
What is IAS (Indian Administrative Service) ?

What is IAS (Indian Administrative Service) ? 1

The Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is one of the premier civil services in India and is considered the backbone of the Indian government's administrative machinery. It is part of the executive branch of the Indian government and consists of a cadre of highly skilled and trained officers who are selected through a rigorous and competitive ... Read more

What is Seal Band and Where to Use ?

What is Seal Band and Where to Use ? 2

A seal band, more commonly known as a seismic band, plinth band, lintel band, or ring beam, is a horizontal reinforcement feature used in construction to enhance the structural integrity and earthquake resistance of a building. It's particularly important in regions prone to seismic activity. The seal band is essentially a reinforced concrete beam that ... Read more

How does El Niño impact Argentina?

How does El Niño impact Argentina? 9

El Niño, a complex weather pattern resulting from variations in ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, has significant impacts on global weather patterns, including those in Argentina. The consequences of El Niño in Argentina can be diverse, affecting various aspects of the environment, economy, and society. El Niño events are part of a natural climate ... Read more

Global IT Workforce Reduction due to Onset of Generative AI

Global IT Workforce Reduction due to Onset of Generative AI 10

The global IT workforce is experiencing significant transformations due to the onset of generative AI. An IBM study found that productivity is now the highest business priority for nearly half of the CEOs surveyed, up from sixth place in 2022. CEOs recognize technology modernization, including the adoption of generative AI, as key to achieving their ... Read more