
4 Most Important Intelligence Agencies of India | RAW NIA CBI IB

In this article, we will look into 4 Important Intelligence Agencies of India who are collectively responsible for protecting the country from Internal as well as from external threats. The role of investigation agencies becomes even more important when it is surrounded by hostile countries from two sides. The task of gathering intelligence to maintain peace and security at all times rely on these important intelligence agencies. Hence it is lot worth to dig deeper into the working of these agencies and the role it plays on daily basis.

4 Most Important Intelligence Agencies of India | RAW NIA CBI IB

Most Important Intelligence Agencies of India

Also Read: 20 Most Active Insurgent Groups in India | General Knowledge

1. RAW (Research and Analysis Wing)

  • It is the primary foreign intelligence agency of India founded in the year 1968.
  • Post 1962 Indo-China War, Government felt the need of an external agency to safeguards the Interests of the country from foreign aggression. RAW was created to serve the very purpose.
  • Its primary task is to gather foreign intelligence, counter terrorism, counter proliferation and advising Indian policymakers about Country Strategic Interests.
  • It is also responsible for safeguarding India's Nuclear Programme.
  • It is currently headquartered at New Delhi - the Capital of India.
  • RAW’s First Director was Rameshwar Nath Kao.
  • The head of R&AW is designated Secretary (R) in the Cabinet Secretariat, and is under the direct command of the Prime Minister, and reports on an administrative basis to the Cabinet Secretary, who reports to the Prime Minister.
  • In past few years, RAW has been known for carrying out number of successful missions.

2. NIA (National Investigation Agency)

  • It is India's counter-terrorist task force empowered to deal with the terrorist related crimes across the country.
  • NIA does not need state permission to investigate terror related crime within the state.
  • NIA came into existence with the enactment of the National Investigation Agency Act, 2008.
  • The founding Director-General of NIA was Radha Vinod Raju.
  • The primary objective of NIA is to combat terrorism in India.
  • It is also responsible for implementing international treaties, agreements, conventions and resolutions of the United Nations, its agencies and other international organisations.
  • It also coordinate and provide help to regional and state investigation agencies.
  • Although NIA has its branches all over the country, its headquarter is currently located at New Delhi.
  • Till 2019, Government entrusted 242 cases to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for investigation. More on PIB.

3. CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation)

  • It is one of the premiere investigation agency of India formed under the Delhi Police Establishment Act, 1946.
  • CBI has its origin to the Special Police Establishment(SPE) that was setup in 1941 by Government of India.
  • The motto of CBI is "Industry, Impartiality and Integrity".
  • It also act as National Central Bureau of Interpol in India.
  • It is not a statutory body.
  • CBI is headed by a Director.
  • It is currently operating under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions(India).
  • CBI is currently exempted from the provisions of the Right to Information Act(RTI).
  • It is currently headquartered at New Delhi.
  • CBI is known for handling several high profile cases related to criminal and corruption charges.

4. IB (Intelligence Bureau)

  • IB is not only India's but one of the World's oldest Investigation Agency.
  • It is currently operating under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • It was originally created on 23rd December 1887 by the British Secretary of the State as a sub-sect of the Central Special Branch.
  • The motto of IB is “Jagritam Aharnisham”.
  • Its primary objective is to gather internal intelligence and handle counter insurgency operations within the country.
  • Before formation of Research and Analysis Wings(RAW), it was formerly responsible for gathering external and internal intelligence data. Now foreign intelligence is handled by RAW.
  • There are very less information about IB Operations because of the secrecy agency maintains.
  • It secretly keeps an eye on internal threats, terror activities and on other suspicious activities all across the country.

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