
200+ Important Discoveries Questions and Answers for All Exams

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In this article, we will see 200+ Important Discoveries Questions and Answers for all exams. Discoveries has always played a significant role in the progress of humanity. The curiosity and the zeal to test the limit has led some expected and some accidental discoveries. All of them has a significant contribution in the development we managed to achieve today. Even today, we continue to add more and more feat in our journey of discoveries. Over the years there are so many discoveries happened that it is not possible to cover them all. So we will only cover which is important for almost all competitive exams.

200+ Important Discoveries Questions and Answers for All Exams

200+ Important Discoveries Questions and Answers for All Exams

Also Read: 200+ Important Inventions Questions and Answers for All Exams

1. Who discovered America ? 

Ans. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

2. Who discovered Electricity ? 

Ans. Benjamin Franklin is given the credit for discovering electricity.

3. Who discovered Gravity ?

Ans. Isaac Newton is often credited for the formulation of Laws of Gravity.

4. Who discovered DNA ?

Ans. Swiss researcher Friedrich Miescher is often credited for the discovery of DNA.

5. Who discovered Penicillin ? 

Ans. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

6. When was DNA discovered ?

Ans. DNA was discovered in 1869.

7. Who discovered the Electron ? 

Ans. J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897.

8. When was Cancer discovered ?

Ans. According to the oldest documents, cancer was discovered in Egypt and dates back to about 3000 BC.

9. Who discovered Oxygen ?

Ans. Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774.

10. Who discovered the Proton ? 

Ans. The discovery of the proton is credited to Ernest Rutherford.

11. Who discovered Francium ?

Ans. Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey in 1939.

12. When were Dinosaurs discovered ? 

Ans. In 1677, Robert Plot is credited with discovering the first dinosaur bone.

13. When was Mercury discovered ?

Ans. Thomas Harriott and Galileo Galilei observed mercury with the newly invented telescope in 1631.

14. Who discovered the ABO blood types ? 

Ans. The human ABO blood groups were discovered by Austrian-born American biologist Karl Landsteiner in 1901.

15. Who discovered the Neutron ?

Ans. The British physicist Sir James Chadwick discovered neutrons in the year 1932.

16. Who discovered the structure of DNA ? 

Ans. James Watson and Francis Crick's discovered the double helix structure of the DNA.

17. When was Gold discovered ?

Ans. Gold was discovered by the ancient Mesopotamians which dates back to 2600 BC.

18. When was Oxygen discovered ? 

Ans. Oxygen was discovered in the year 1774.

19. When was Pluto discovered ?

Ans. Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930.

20. Who discovered Magnet ?

Ans. The ancient Greeks were the first to discover Magnetite.

21. Who discovered the Nucleus in an Atom ?

Ans. Ernest Rutherford discovered the nucleus of the atom in 1911.

22. Who discovered Pi ?

Ans. The first calculation of π was done by Archimedes of Syracuse.

23. Who discovered Lyme disease ?

Ans. Alfred Buchwald first identified the Lyme disease.

24. Who discovered Neon ?

Ans. Neon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist.

25. Who discovered the Earth was round ?

Ans. Eratosthenes was given the credit for discovering earth was round.

26. Who discovered the Nucleus in the Cell ?

Ans. Robert Brown discovered the nucleus in the cell in the year 1831.

27. Who discovered Venus ?

Ans. Galileo made his first telescopic observations of Venus in October 1610.

28. Who discovered X-rays ?

Ans. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen's discovered X-rays.

29. When was Antarctica discovered ? 

Ans. Antarctica was discovered in the year 1820.

30. When was Silver discovered ?

Ans. Silver was discovered after gold and copper about 4000 BCE.

31. Who discovered Black Holes ?

Ans. The first black hole ever discovered was Cygnus X-1, located within the Milky Way in the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan.

32. When was Venus discovered ?

Ans. It was discovered in the year 1610.

33. When was Penicillin discovered ? 

Ans. Penicillin was discovered accidentally in September of 1928.

34. When was Neon discovered ?

Ans. Neon was discovered in the year 1898.

35. When was Australia discovered ? 

Ans. Willem Janszoon was the first European to discover Australia on 26 February 1606.

36. When was Copper discovered ?

Ans. Copper was first used by man over 10,000 years ago.

37. When was Hawaii discovered ?

Ans. The European discovery of Hawaii occurred on January 18, 1778.

38. Who discovered Australia ?

Ans. Willem Janszoon was the first European to discover Australia on 26 February 1606.

39. Who discovered Cells ?

Ans. Robert Hooke discovered cells in 1665.

40. Who discovered Copper ? 

Ans. The Sumerians and the Chaldeans living in ancient Mesopotamia are believed to be the first people to make wide use of copper.

41. Who discovered Lithium ?

Ans. Lithium was discovered in the mineral petalite by Johann August Arfvedson in 1817.

42. Who discovered Radium ?

Ans. Radium, in the form of radium chloride, was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.

43. Who discovered Uranus ?

Ans. Astronomer William Herschel discovered Uranus.

44. Who discovered Pluto ?

Ans. Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh.

45. When was Aluminum discovered ? 

Ans. Aluminum was first isolated in 1825 by Hans Christian Ørsted (Oersted).

46. When was Coffee discovered ?

Ans. Coffee was first discovered by the 9th-century Ethiopian goat-herder Kaldi.

47. When was Diabetes discovered ? 

Ans. The ancient Egyptians mentioned a condition that appears to have been type 1 diabetes over 3000 years ago.

48. When was Mars discovered ?

Ans. The first person to observe Mars with a telescope was Galileo Galilei, in 1610.

49. When was Oil discovered ?

Ans. In 1859, at Titusville, Penn., Col. Edwin Drake drilled the first successful well through rock and produced crude oil.

50. When was Titanium discovered ? 

Ans. The first titanium mineral, a black sand called menachanite, was discovered in 1791 in Cornwall by the Reverend William Gregor.

51. Who discovered Insulin ?

Ans. Insulin was discovered by Sir Frederick G Banting (pictured), Charles H Best and JJR Macleod at the University of Toronto.

52. Who discovered Neptune ? 

Ans. Johann Gottfried Galle, Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, and John Couch Adams all worked independently to help discovered the Planet.

53. Who discovered Radioactivity ?

Ans. Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.

54. Who discovered Sodium ?

Ans. Sodium was discovered in 1807 by the English chemist Humphry Davy.

55. Who discovered the Atom ? 

Ans. John Dalton discovered the Atom.

56. When was Neptune discovered ? 

Ans. Neptune was discovered on 23rd September 1846.

57. When was Saturn discovered ?

Ans. Galileo Galilei spots Saturn's rings through a telescope in July 1610.

58. Who discovered Argon ?

Ans. Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Lord Rayleigh, an English chemist, in 1894.

59. Who discovered Hydrogen ?

Ans. Henry Cavendish discovered Hydrogen.

60. Who discovered Bacteria ? 

Ans. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek first observed bacteria in the year 1676.

61. Who discovered Carbon ?

Ans. Carbon was discovered in prehistory and was known in the forms of soot. The original discoverer is unknown to us.

62. Who discovered Platinum ? 

Ans. Antonio de Ulloa is commonly credited as the first scientist to describe platinum.

63. Who discovered the Big Bang Theory ? 

Ans. A Belgian priest named Georges Lemaître first suggested the big bang theory in the 1920s

64. Who discovered Color blindness ?

Ans. John Dalton described his own color blindness in 1794.

65. When was Carbon discovered ?

Ans. Carbon was first discovered as charcoal in prehistoric times. The name of the discoverer will probably never be known.

66. What was the first Planet discovered ? 

Ans. Uranus was arguably the first planet discovered.

67. When was Iron discovered ?

Ans. Iron objects have been found in Egypt dating from around 3500 BC.

68. When was Jupiter discovered ? 

Ans. The first observation of Planet was done by Galileo Galilei in 1610 with a small telescope.

69. When was Schizophrenia discovered ? 

Ans. The description of schizophrenia as a mental illness was made in 1887.

70. When was Sodium discovered ?

Ans. Sodium was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807.

71. When was Tin discovered ?

Ans. Tin was first used in 3500 BC in the city of Ur in southern Mesopotamia, now known as Iraq.

72. When was Tobacco discovered ? 

Ans. Tobacco cultivation likely began in 5000 BC with the development of maize-based agriculture in Central Mexico.

73. When were Black Holes discovered ? 

Ans. Astronomers saw the first signs of the black hole in 1964 when a sounding rocket detected celestial sources of X-rays according to NASA.

74. Who discovered Beryllium ?

Ans. Louis Nicolas Vauquelin discovered Beryllium.

75. Who discovered Calculus ?

Ans. Sir Isaac Newton was the first person who is credited with developing calculus.

76. Who discovered Coffee ?

Ans. According to a story written down in 1671, coffee was first discovered by the 9th-century Ethiopian goat-herder Kaldi.

77. Who discovered Iceland ?

Ans. Naddodd the Viking is known as the first settler in Iceland.

78. Who discovered Iron ?

Ans. Archeologists believe that iron was discovered by the Hittites of ancient Egypt somewhere between 5000 and 3000 BCE.

79. Who discovered Puerto Rico ?

Ans. Christopher Columbus discovered Puerto Rico.

80. Who discovered Radiation ?

Ans. Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered the basic properties of X-rays in December 1895.

81. What was the first Element discovered ? 

Ans. Phosphorous (P) was the first chemical element to be discovered after the ancient times by German alchemist Hennig Brand in 1669.

82. When was Helium discovered ?

Ans. The formal discovery of the element was made in 1895 by chemists Sir William Ramsay, Per Teodor Cleve, and Nils Abraham Langlet.

83. When was Iodine discovered ?

Ans. Iodine was discovered in the year 1811.

84. When was Salt discovered ?

Ans. Ancient world​​ Early Neolithic salt production, dating to approximately 6,000 BCE.

85. When was the Flu discovered ?  

Ans. Records show that the flu has been around for at least 1,500 years.

86. When was the Moon discovered ? 

Ans. Galileo's first discovered the Moon in 1609.

87. Who discovered Arsenic ?

Ans. Albertus Magnus discovered Arsenic.

88. Who discovered Blood Types ? 

Ans. Karl Landsteiner discovered blood types in 1900.

89. Who discovered Greenland ?

Ans. Erik the Red is widely considered the first person who discovered Greenland.

90. Who discovered Nickel ?

Ans. Nickel was discovered by the Swedish chemist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt in the mineral niccolite (NiAs) in 1751.

91. Who discovered Nuclear Fission ?

Ans. Nuclear fission was discovered in December 1938 by chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann and physicists Lise Meitner and Otto Robert Frisch.

92. Who discovered Radio waves ?

Ans. Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of radio waves in the late 1880s.

93. Who discovered the Grand canyon ?

Ans. Don Pedro Tovar, a captain with Coronado's expedition, is credited with being the first European to see the Grand Canyon in 1540.

94. Who discovered the North pole ?

Ans. Explorer Robert Peary known for discovering the North Pole.

95. Who discovered Uranium ?

Ans. Uranium was discovered in 1789 by Martin Klaproth.

96. When was Alzheimer's discovered ?

Ans. A German doctor named Alois Alzheimer first observed Alzheimer's disease in 1906.

97. When was Lead discovered ?

Ans. Lead was one of the earliest metals discovered by the human race and was in use by 3000 B.C.

98. When was Polio discovered ?

Ans. The poliovirus itself was discovered in 1908 by a team led by Viennese immunologist and future Nobel Prize winner Karl Landsteiner.

99. When was Pompeii discovered ?

Ans. It was discovered in the year 1748 by a surveying engineer.

100. When was Sulfur discovered ?

Ans. Antoine Lavoisier recognized sulfur in 1777.

101. Who discovered Boron ?

Ans. Boron was discovered by Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis-Jaques Thénard, French chemists, and independently by Sir Humphry Davy.

102. Who discovered Canada ?

Ans. Officially John Cabot discovered Canada.

103. Who discovered Halley's comet ?

Ans. Edmund Halley was the first person to discover Halley's comet.

104. Who discovered Machu Picchu ?

Ans. Explorer Hiram Bingham discovered the lost city of Incas, Machu Picchu.

105. Who discovered Tungsten ?

Ans. Tungsten was discovered by Juan José and Fausto Elhuyar, Spanish chemists and brothers, in 1783.

106. When was Arsenic discovered ?

Ans. Albertus Magnus is known to obtained the element in 1250 A.D.

107. When was Beryllium discovered ?

Ans. Beryllium was discovered in 1798.

108. When was Tuberculosis discovered ? 

Ans. Tuberculosis was discovered on March 24, 1882.

109. Who discovered Antibiotics ?

Ans. Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic called penicillin.

110. Who discovered Down Syndrome ?

Ans. John Langdon Down first described the syndrome in 1866.

111. Who discovered Electricity and Magnetism ? 

Ans. Hans Christian Oersted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism in 1820.

112. Who discovered Magnesium ?

Ans. The first person to recognize that magnesium was an element was Joseph Black at Edinburgh in 1755.

113. Who discovered Sickle cell anemia ?

Ans. The first documented case of sickle cell anemia was published in 1910 by a physician named James Herrick.

114. Who discovered Nitrogen ? 

Ans. Nitrogen was first discovered and isolated by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772.

115. Who discovered Plutonium ? 

Ans. Glenn Seaborg discovered plutonium at Berkeley in 1940.

116. Who discovered Potassium ? 

Ans. Sir Humphry Davy discovered the element potassium in 1807.

117. Who discovered Radon ?

Ans. Radon was discovered by Friedrich Ernst Dorn.

118. Who discovered the Copper ?

Ans. The Sumerians and the Chaldeans living in ancient Mesopotamia are believed to be the first people to make wide use of copper.

119. Who discovered the moons of Mars ?

Ans. Astronomer Asaph Hall discovered the moons of Mars.

120. Who discovered the Speed of Light ? 

Ans. Danish astronomer Ole Roemer became the first person to prove that light travels at a finite speed.

121. Who discovered Xenon ? 

Ans. Xenon was discovered in July 1898 by William Ramsay and Morris Travers at University College London.

122. When was Bromine discovered ? 

Ans. Bromine was discovered in 1826 by the French chemist Antoine-Jérôme Balard.

123. When was Chlorine discovered ?

Ans. Chlorine was first produced in 1774 by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in Sweden.

124. When was Cystic Fibrosis discovered ?

Ans. In 1938, American pathologist Dr. Dorothy Andersen provided the first description of this disorder.

125. When was Dyslexia discovered ?

Ans. The first description of difficulty in reading and spelling characteristics of dyslexia were given by Adolph Kussmaul in 1877.

126. When was Gallium discovered ?

Ans. Gallium was discovered in Paris by Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875.

127. When was Mount Everest discovered ?

Ans. Mount Everest was first discovered in the year 1852.

128. When was Xenon discovered ?

Ans. Xenon was discovered in July 1898 by William Ramsay and Morris Travers.

129. When were the Pyramids discovered ?

Ans. Explorers and archaeologists didn't begin an earnest study of the Great Pyramid until the 17th century.

130. When were Pandas discovered ?

Ans. The first giant panda was discovered on April 1, 1869, by a priest who was living in Sichuan at that time.

131. Who discovered Silk ?

Ans. Empress His Ling Shi was first person to discover silk as weavable fibre in the 27th century BC.

132. Who discovered Colombia ?

Ans. Alonso de Ojeda is known as the first ever to set foot on Colombia in 1499.

133. When were Cats discovered ?

Ans. Archaeological evidence suggests that cat has been around since ancient Egypt Civilization.

134. Where was Argon discovered ?

Ans. Argon was first isolated in 1785 in Clapham, South London, by Henry Cavendish.

135. Where was Silver discovered ?

Ans. Silver was first mined around 3,000 BCE in Anatolia, now located in modern-day Turkey.

136. Who discovered Cuba ?

Ans. The island of Cuba was first discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.

137. Who discovered fluorine ?

Ans. Henri Moissan is often credited for the discovery of Fluorine.

138. Who discovered Krypton ?

Ans. British chemists William Ramsay and Morris Travers discovered krypton in 1898.

139. Who discovered Genetics ?

Ans. Gregor Mendel is known as the father of Genetics.

140. Who discovered Lead ?

Ans. Ancient Egyptians were likely the first to extract lead, which they used to make small sculptures.

141. Who discovered New Zealand ? 

Ans. The Dutch explorer Abel Tasman is officially recognized as the first European to 'discover' New Zealand in 1642.

142. Who discovered Silicon ?

Ans. The credit for discovering silicon really goes to the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius of Stockholm.

143. Who discovered Smallpox Vaccine ? 

Ans. Edward Jenner discovered the Smallpox vaccine.

144. Who discovered the Magnesium ?

Ans. The first person to recognize that magnesium was an element was Joseph Black at Edinburgh in 1755.

145. Who discovered the Philippines ?

Ans. The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan.

146. Who discovered Cobalt ?

Ans. Cobalt was discovered by Georg Brandt, a Swedish chemist, in 1739.

147. Who discovered the Korean Peninsula ?

Ans. Wang Kŏn founded Koryŏ in 918 at Songdo (modern Kaesŏng, North Korea) and in 936 established a unified kingdom on the Korean peninsula.

148. Who discovered Chile ?

Ans. Chile was discovered by sea by Ferdinand Magellan on his trip around the world in 1520.

149. Who discovered Brazil ?

Ans. Brazil was discovered by Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500.

150. Who discovered Africa ?

Ans. Portuguese explorer Prince Henry, known as the Navigator, was the first European to methodically explore Africa.

151. Who discovered Chicago ?

Ans. Jean Baptiste Point du Sable founded Chicago in 1780.

152. Who discovered California ?

Ans. Spanish navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo became the first European to sight the region that is present-day California in 1542.

153. Who discovered Calcium ?

Ans. In 1808 calcium was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy.

154. Who discovered India ?

Ans. Vasco de Gama becomes the first European to reach India.

155. Who discovered the Galapagos Islands ?

Ans. Galapagos Islands were officially discovered by Fray Tomás de Berlanga in 1535.

156. Who discovered the moons of Jupiter ?

Ans. Galileo Galilei discovered the moons of Jupiter in 1610.

157. Who discovered the moons of Saturn ?

Ans. Christiaan Huygens discovered the first known moon of Saturn.

158. Who discovered the moons of Uranus ?

Ans. William Herschel discovered the first two moons of Uranus.

159. Who discovered the moons of Neptune ?

Ans. William Lassell first discovered the moon of Neptune.

160. Who discovered Viruses ?

Ans. Beijerinck, in 1898, was the first to call 'virus', the incitant of the tobacco mosaic.

161. Who discovered Zinc ?

Ans. German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf is credited with discovering pure metallic zinc.

162. Who discovered Huntington's disease ?

Ans. George Huntington gave the first complete description of the disease in 1872.

163. When was Cobalt discovered ?

Ans. Cobalt was discovered in 1735 by the Swedish chemist Georg Brandt.

164. When was Coal discovered ?

Ans. It was the Romans who were first recorded as using coal fairly extensively in 43 AD.

165. When was China discovered ?

Ans. Chinese legendary history can be traced back to 2697 BC.

166. When was Celiac disease discovered ?

Ans. Celiac disease is a common disorder that was first identified in the early 1900s.

167. When was Boron discovered ?

Ans. Boron was first discovered as a new element in 1808.

168. When was Anthrax discovered ?

Ans. The origins of anthrax are estimated to go back as far as 700 B.C. in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

169. When was Greenland discovered ?

Ans. Erik the Red is the first Viking to discover Greenland in 982.

170. When was Hemophilia discovered ?

Ans. Dr. John Conrad Otto discovered the condition of Hemophilia in 1803.

171. When was Syphilis discovered ?

Ans. The first recorded outbreak of syphilis in Europe occurred in 1494/1495 in Naples, Italy, during a French invasion.

172. When was Rabies first discovered ?

Ans. The first rabies epizootic in terrestrial wild life was documented in the USA in spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius) in 1826.

173. When was Parkinson's disease discovered ?

Ans. Parkinson's disease was first medically described as a neurological syndrome by James Parkinson in 1817.

174. When was Yeast discovered ?

Ans. The earliest known records of yeast risen bread come from Ancient Egypt in 1300–1500 BCE.

175. When were Sharks discovered ?

Ans. The earliest fossil evidence for sharks or their ancestors are a few scales dating to 450 million years ago, during the Late Ordovician Period.

176. Where was Helium discovered ?

Ans. In 1882, the Italian physicist Luigi Palmieri was analyzing lava from Mount Vesuvius when he noticed that same telltale yellow spectral line in his data - the first indication of helium on Earth.

177. Who discovered Bromine ?

Ans. Antoine-Jérôme Balard discovered bromine in 1826.

178. Who discovered Astatine ?

Ans. The first successfully recognized discovery of astatine was in 1940 by Dale R. Coson, Kenneth Ross Mackenzie and Emilio Segrè.

179. Who discovered Diabetes ?

Ans. Joseph von Mering and Oskar Minkowski are commonly credited with the formal discovery of Diabetes.

180. Who discovered the rings of Saturn ?

Ans. Galileo was the first person to see Saturn's rings.

181. Who discovered the South Pole ?

Ans. Roald Amundsen was the first to reach South Pole in December 14, 1911.

182. Who discovered Toxoplasmosis ?

Ans. Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur are often credited for the discovery of Toxoplasma.

183. Who discovered Yttrium ?

Ans. Yttrium was discovered by Johan Gadolin, a Finnish chemist.

184. When was Germanium discovered ?

Ans. Germanium was discovered by Clemens A. Winkler at Freiberg, Germany, in 1886.

185. When was Graphene discovered ?

Ans. Graphene was discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov.

186. When was Epilepsy discovered ?

Ans. The genetics of epilepsy seemingly first came to light in 1903 by Herman Bernhard Lundborg.

187. When was Egypt discovered ?

Ans. Ancient Egypt's great civilization spanned thousands of years, from c. 3000 B.C. until the annexation by Rome in 30 B.C.

188. When was Dark Matter discovered ?

Ans. The first real evidence for dark matter came in 1933.

189. When was Bismuth discovered ?

Ans. Bismuth was discovered by an unknown alchemist around 1400 AD but was officially discovered in 1753 by Claude Geoffrey Junine.

190. When was Leukemia discovered ?

Ans. Ancient Greeks discovered this blood disease way back in the 4th or 5th century BC.

191. When was Malaria discovered ?

Ans. Malaria find its mention in Chinese document from about 2700 BC.

192. When was Lupus discovered ?

Ans. The first clear description of lupus erythematosus was by Biett and was reported by his student Cazenave under the term erythema centrifugum in 1833.

193. When was Milky Way discovered ?

Ans. Milky Way was first discovered by Galileo in 1610.

194. When was Hepatitis C discovered ?

Ans. The hepatitis C virus was discovered in 1989.

195. When was Nuclear Fission discovered ? 

Ans. Nuclear fission was discovered in December 1938 by chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann and physicists Lise Meitner and Otto Robert Frisch.

196. When was Plutonium discovered ?

Ans. Plutonium was discovered in 1941.

197. When was Tungsten discovered ?

Ans. Tungsten metal was first isolated in 1783.

198. When were Quarks discovered ?

Ans. Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig proposed the existence of Quarks in 1964.

199. Who discovered Asthma ?

Ans. Asthma was recognized in ancient Egypt.

200. Who discovered Californium ?

Ans. Californium was discovered in 1950 by a team consisting of Glenn Seaborg, Albert Ghiorso, Kenneth Street and Stanley G. Thompson.

201. Who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb ?

Ans. The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 by excavators led by the Egyptologist Howard Carter. More on wikipedia.

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